October 25, 2008

Breakfast, 11:00 a.m.

Peanut butter on wheat toast and blueberry yogurt.

Lunch, 2:30 p.m.

Leftover alfredo.

Snack, 4:00 p.m.

Grading fuel: honey oat granola bar.

Snack, 7:30 p.m.

No, I did not eat gigantic cheese spread. :) I went to a Milwaukee Admirals game (think Alaska Aces-caliber hockey) with Kelly the Exercise Scientist and Season Ticket Holder. While there, I had a pretzel with cheese. I do not have a picture of the pretzel...but Kelly sent me this after the game, and I figured, eh, what the hell. I'll post it. So, what is this picture? Well...between periods, I shit you not, all the flavors of the Merkts Cheese Spread came onto the ice to have a speed skating contest. Beer Cheese won. Welcome to Wisconnie.

Dinner, 11:45 p.m.

A can of Healthy Request vegetable beef soup. Ingie is so right -- the healthy stuff isn't worth it, because you just end up salting the hell out of it anyway. May as well buy the regular. It's cheaper.

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