March 11, 2013

Big Lare took me out for breakfast at The Olympic. I forgot to take a picture of my plate, but here's a blurry shot of the restaurant's interior. Anyway, I had hashbrowns and a side order of ham. I've been having the same Big Lare's Greasy Spoon breakfast since childhood. It's simple, but I love it.

SNACK, 2:00 P.M.
I got pretty hungry while I was driving back to Sheboygan, so...gas station food.

SNACK, 5:15 P.M.
I started making dinner pretty much the instant I got home, but I was too hungry to wait for the soup to simmer for an hour.  Thus the banana.

DINNER, 7:30 P.M.
A bowl of lasagna soup & a glass of cranberry juice.

I can't remember when I ate these, but anyway...I did.  Some time between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m., I had two really small clementines and, later, a couple of baby carrots.

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