This week sort of slipped by without me posting...and I slacked a little taking pictures too. I have no idea where to begin on guessing when I ate what, so I'm just going to post the pictures and try to be better about updating this week.
The idea for this blog came from Tucker Shaw's book, Everything I Ate: A Year in the Life of my Mouth. The premise of the book is that the author photographs and records every single thing he eats...for an entire year. I don't think it was a weight loss thing for him, but as I flipped through I thought, "I would be so embarrassed if everyone knew how much I ate and what I ate."
Fast forward a few years. Graduate school was not kind to my figure, and since an extensive exercise routine is simply out of the question (I'm lazy), making my eating habits open to public ridicule seems like the best way to force myself to change. So please -- ridicule away as I chronicle everything I eat.
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