February 18, 2013

I'm Back.

I gave up on this blog more than three years ago because I was being really bad about taking pictures of my food, and even when I did remember, it was such a pain in the ass to upload them to the blog.  With the advent of the smart phone, though, that's not a valid excuse anymore.

Plus, I've been complaining a lot lately about being unable to lose the 3 pounds I gained over the holidays.  I know, it's just three pounds...but three pounds more than I was carrying around when I bought my wedding dress back in November, so it's imperative to lose them (and preferably a few more).  Jon suggested that I start this blog up again because in the past, it has worked  as a way to get me to eat better.  OK, eating better to avoid public ridicule is probably not the right reason to do it, but hey.  It's better than nothing.

So...here we are.  Take Two.  (Or three.  I can't remember.)

I forgot to take a picture this morning, so clearly we're off to a great start.  Anyway, here's what I ate:
*1 medium-sized bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, no milk
*1 6 oz cup of Yoplait Light strawberry yogurt

LUNCH, 11:30 A.M.
Garlic parmesan Bowl Appetit (not very good) & Diet Cherry Coke.

SNACK, 4:15 P.M.
12 oz carmel steamer, with skim milk

DINNER, 6:00 P.M.
Turkey sub, Doritos, & diet Coke

SNACK, 9:45 P.M.
Ritz Crackers & cheese spread

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