I haven't updated in a while because my laptop was out of commission and it took Dell forever to fix it. That's an excuse, but let me explain. My laptop has a slot that I can stick my memory card in. That makes it super easy to upload the pictures. When I upload using the desktop, I have to dig out the camera cord and drain the camera batteries...and half of the time, the desktop doesn't recognize the camera anyway, and frustration ensues. OK, that accounts for about 10-12 days. After that, the lapptop was fixed but I was so intimidated by the backlog of pictures that I didn't update...which brings us to today. At the request of Kentucky Erin (as opposed to Arizona Erin), I have updated. She's missed me. As the volume of un-uploaded pictures grew, my fear of uploading also grew...and so I took far fewer pictures of my food than I should have this week. For what it's worth, here are the food pics I've taken since April 19:
I got sick right before finals. Lots of oranges and OJ and soup...
The idea for this blog came from Tucker Shaw's book, Everything I Ate: A Year in the Life of my Mouth. The premise of the book is that the author photographs and records every single thing he eats...for an entire year. I don't think it was a weight loss thing for him, but as I flipped through I thought, "I would be so embarrassed if everyone knew how much I ate and what I ate."
Fast forward a few years. Graduate school was not kind to my figure, and since an extensive exercise routine is simply out of the question (I'm lazy), making my eating habits open to public ridicule seems like the best way to force myself to change. So please -- ridicule away as I chronicle everything I eat.
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