Light peach yogurt and peanut butter on wheat toast.
Lunch, 12:30 p.m.

Grilled ham & cheese, fries, and Diet Pepsi. This is actually an old picture -- for once, I didn't eat lunch in my office. May Term is less meeting-filled, and also all the classes are scheduled during the same time slot, so it's actually possible to meet up with folks for lunch! Thus, I ate at the grill with Criminal Justice Prof Katie and Exercise Science Prof Kelly today (as opposed to bringing a carryout order back to my office). I forgot to whip out my cell phone and take a picture, though, so I'm recycling.
Dinner, 6:15 p.m.
I got home from school after lesson planning for way too long, and gobbled down half a frozen pizza before running off to Milwaukee to collect the parents from the airport. They were returning from a little jaunt to Prague to visit my sister, complete with side trip to Greece. I am so, so, so jealous.
Snack, 9:15 p.m.

Big Lare likes Europe, but Big Lare does not like European food. He was starving after something like 19 hours of airplanes and airport and wanted to stop for cheeseburgers on the way home (you can see his nice American burger in the background). I just got ice cream (with blackberries!). Oh, and a glass of water. My poor mother...she practically fell asleep at the table. I think Little Susan was irritated with Big Lare's cheeseburger hankering and just wanted to go to bed.
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