Lunch, 11:30 a.m.
No breakfast today, because I met Kelly the Exercise Scientist for lunch about 45 minutes after I rolled out of bed. We went to Two Rivers, not quite an hour north of Sheboygan, for a Special Edition Sons of Norway Meeting. The speaker was a professor from Marquette, and she gave a really good talk on the Kensington Rune Stone.
Anyway. No breakfast, and we went to Chili's for lunch before the meeting. I really, really wanted the shrimp alfredo pasta, but I resisted. I think that's a first for me. I had chicken instead, with black beans and rice.
Snack, 4:00 p.m.Lots of good Norse baking -- those old Sons of Norway ladies really know how to put on a good lunch. I had two
krumkake, a
rosette, and...a brownie. A really, really good brownie. I'm sure my arteries hate me -- but these are usually Christmas-only goodies (apart from the brownie of course).
Snack, 7:00 p.m.

I probably should have eaten dinner, but I didn't. I was in the middle of grading papers, and knew that if I stopped to make something I would have a really hard time getting back into the grading. I had Baked Lay's, and then a while later, some candy corn.
Dinner, 9:30 p.m.
Four Cheese Rice-a-Roni. The grading sapped all my energy, so I couldn't bring myself to do anything more complex than a boxed dinner.
Snack, 11:30 p.m.
I'm a masochist...I decided to grade "just one more paper" before bed, which turned into two, then three...which led to a snack. At least it was healthy-ish...I had a handful of Oat Squares directly out of the box.