Banana and light raspberry yogurt.
Lunch, 1:00 p.m.
Philly steak & cheese Lean Pocket.
Snack, 5:45 p.m.
Not pictured: I had a pack of Good-n-Plenty that I picked up in line at the store. I don't know how to describe the size to you, other than to say the packaging looked like a milk carton but was maybe half the size? I need to carry the camera more. It's harder these days because my new purse is smaller, and it's a big pain in the butt to squeeze everything in, so the camera is typically what gets left behind.
Dinner, 8:00 p.m.
I didn't eat all that corn. :) I had two ears, Jon had two ears. I also had a bowl of Campbell's vegetable beef soup. We realized, once we started shucking the corn, that we basically had nothing to eat with the corn, so...this is what we came up with. We need to go grocery shopping.
Snack, 11:00 p.m.
Ah, you're blogging your food again. It appears that we have also fallen off the wagon. I will start again soon, however.
I never really stopped...I just didn't post the pictures as immediately as I had in the past. I'm going to try to improve on that, though.
Sig! Less pasta and bread....instead of bread try whole wheat, multigrain tortillas? More vibrant veggies such as red, orange, or yellow bell peppers, spinach, snow peas... More lean proteins such as chicken breasts (no skin), tuna, white fish fillets, eggs (espeically egg whites), and BEANS
Also, freezing fruits such as grapes, blueberries, raspberries, cherries are a great snack....and when they are frozen they have a little "crunch" to them, which for some reason satisfies our hunger better.
Spinach, peppers, and peas are icky. I blame mom for never feeding them to us when we were kids.
Well, despite the fact that mom never fed us these foods I have grown to love them!!! They are YUMMY
I *did* buy some frozen edemame last night at the grocery store. Hopefully they're good...I've never actually cooked them myself before, but how hard can it be? Boil and add salt, right?
holy crap! you bought edamame?? I'm impressed! Just boil it and salt it!
Yes. This is a good thing that came out of my sushi experience. We had edamame as an appetizer, and it was pretty dang good. So...what the hell, right?
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