The usual. The banana was a little mushy, but I survived.
Lunch, 4:15 p.m.
Stouffer's lasagne. I had gone out to the college for a "welcome, freshmen" ceremony so I couldn't eat until after 4:00. I was starving by the time I got home.
Snack, 7:30 p.m.
Generic Wheat Thins! I discovered my local Sav-a-Lot store the other day. I was at the post office, and I needed to pick up some lettuce (for the tacos) before going home. All the grocery stores I knew of were far, far away, and driving to them seemed silly given that gas is so damn expensive and I use so damn much of it to get to the college, which is 15 miles outside of town in the middle of fucking nowhere. (And I can't car pool; I have classes at 8:00 a.m. and the car pools don't leave that early. Hopefully, I will be among the 'I have a 10:00 a.m.' group next semester -- for my sanity, my sleep, and my gas budget.) But I digress. I was at the post office, and I didn't want to drive to a far away grocery store. I called Jon, had him do some Google magic, and found that the Sav-a-Lot was not too far away. Bang. I got a head of lettuce, plus a ton of other stuff (some grocery, some not), for a mere $36.
Dinner, 9:00 p.m.
I was holed up at my desk, actually writing, so Jon took it upon himself to make the dinner -- frozen chicken alfredo. It was very yummy, and I ate a smaller helping than normal because for once I actually thought about the fact that this is death on a plate. I still enjoyed it, though.
Snack, 1:30 a.m.
After a midnight grocery shopping trip to Super Wal-Mart, I sampled my bagel purchase. I have to say, I was disappointed. Maybe it'll be better toasted, with butter -- but I was not impressed with the way it tasted straight out of the bag (my standard method for eating bagels).
Sig, a bagel before bed is SO bad. It's tons of carbs, and it doesn't even keep your appetite at bay, because it's shitty addition, of course, to the TWO meals of crappy pasta that you had. Bad, bad day.
Go buy some whole wheat pasta RIGHT NOW. Yes, it's more expensive, but it's less than a dollar more expensive, and a package is two or three meals for you AND Jon. That's at most $.33 PER MEAL more expensive. You can swing it.
Then, use your slow-cooker and make some tomato sauce, or buy tomato sauce, or whatever. Freeze it. Maybe mix it with some ground turkey, fresh basil, and fresh oregano. Maybe mix it with some low-fat or no-fat sour cream if you really need to make it cream-based (although you can't freeze it if you make it creamy). Even with the non-fat sour cream, you can't tell it's non-fat because of all the other flavors of the tomato sauce. I have some effing awesome pasta sauce recipes/projects if you want more ideas.
If you do this, next time, when you need a fast meal and you feel like inhaling carbs like air, you boil the whole wheat stuff up and eat that instead of THIS STUFF that you should be embarrassed taking pictures of.
I do buy whole wheat pasta -- I have spaghetti, elbow mac, and even whole mac-n-cheese. :)
well then start eating it instead of frozen chicken alfredo and frozen lasagna. And then once you start doing that, start cutting back on the pasta that you're eating.
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