Berry bagel and light raspberry yogurt.
Lunch, 2:30 p.m.
This is NOT my lunch...this is the bowl of leftovers, which is about twice as much food as I ate. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have such a heavy lunch, especially so quickly after breakfast -- but Jon had to work, and he hadn't eaten, and if I don't make him eat he just won't. He'll work all day on an empty stomach and get a headache and whatever else. So, I made this because he really likes it.
Snack, 6:45 p.m.
Golden Delicious apple. I was so full from the lunch that I wasn't even hungry when I ate this. I'd just come home from the grocery store with a bunch of fruit, though, so I had to sample.
Dinner, 8:15 p.m.
The apple must have made me hungry, because it didn't take long before I really wanted some dinner. This is a skinless chicken breast, baked in a little paprika. The potatoes are sliced new potatoes cooked in a little butter, sprinkled with pepper.
Snack, 11:00 p.m.
Pineapple sherbet. It's not very pineapple-y. I can't figure out what it really tastes like, and it's not bad, it's just not pineapple.
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