Still no fruit...we still have a few peaches, and I have no
desire to eat them.
Lunch, 1:45 p.m.
More of the shells & cheese concoction. It wasn't very
good today -- I think it sat in the fridge a day too long --
so I didn't eat too much of it.
Snack, 4:15 p.m.
The last of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. You will not
be seeing it again for a while...I'll probably buy Quaker
Oat Squares as my next cereal purchase. Very yummy,
and much better for me than the sugary stuff.
Snack, 6:15 p.m.
Not pictured: Chicken cordon bleu balls at the Blue Fox.
No picture because I was on my way to a softball game--
I play for the Blue Fox-- and so I didn't have my purse
with me. (I keep my camera in my purse these days,
because I pretty much always have my purse handy.)
Dinner, 11:00 p.m.
A bowl of turkey looks really dark in this picture
for some reason.
Well, you've eaten the last of it, but really, a few dollars and some wasted food isn't worth eating that crap. I have a hard time throwing food out too, but sometimes, you just have to do it. So if you accidentally buy something that isn't worth eating, don't eat it, throw it away. You can even put it in the toilet and flush it if it will make you feel better - that is where it ends up eventually anyway.
But I *like* it...even if it is crappy. I won't throw away something I like. I will choose not to buy it anymore (or, at least not as frequently), but no...I won't toss it. :)
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