I was out of bananas, so I had a plum instead.
Lunch, 2:30 p.m.
Grapes and leftover chili.
Snack, 4:30 p.m.
All the bowls were dirty (both of them)...so I ate a few
handfuls of dry cereal. It's probably just as well, because
I'm pretty sure I ate less than if I'd filled the bowl. I got
too sticky from all the sugar. :)
Dinner, 8:00 p.m.
NOT PICTURED. I rushed out of the house because I was
late for book group and I forgot to grab my camera, which
was laying on the counter from the cereal. I had avocado
alfredo with shrimp and king crab, and I ate maybe half of
the pasta but all of the seafood. It wasn't bad, but definitely
not worth it.
Snack, 11:30 p.m.
The last of the grapes. I split these with Jon. They look
weird because they'd been in the fridge -- the "mold" look
is frost/condensation.
You need to cut down on the alfredo!
I haven't had any in a long time!
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