I tried the peanut butter thing and...I have to say, not bad.
I spread it on a hamburger bun, because I didn't have any
bread...or a toaster. But I went to the grocery store today
and bought whole wheat bread (yuck, but I'm trying). So
tomorrow I can at least have real bread.
Lunch, 12:30-3:00 p.m.
I brought my usual high-school style bag lunch consisting
of an assortment of random crap to work today, but I
didn't feel like eating it. So I ate the Nutri-Grain bar
when my stomach growled at 12:30, and then I ate the
mandarins (drained, of course) at about 3:00.
Snack, 5:15 p.m.
I went to the grocery store after work today to pick a few
"healthy" things...like fruit and bread. I spent $20 and
bought so few groceries that they all fit in one bag. Not
cool. But the banana was super yummy, so that's good
at least.
Dinner, 6:40 p.m.
This is decidedly not healthy -- it's Velveeta Shells and
Cheese, salsa, hamburger, and black beans (yes, canned).
It's bad for me, but I also need to use up all the random
food that's sitting on my shelves. I'm trying not to do a
major grocery shop before I move...which means that
I'm going to be eating pretty poorly until August 1. Also:
this is not as much food as it seems. The plate is baby
sized; we packed all the big ones and are eating off the
minis until we move. They are not as small as, say, the
plate you'd serve a piece of cake on, but they're also not
nearly as big as a dinner plate.
Snack, 11:30 p.m.
Apple -- part of my $20 grocery run.
Amanda has a good point about this blogging business. How is it that I'm able to so consistently and quickly post my foods?
I think it's because, unlike eating healthy (or, healthier), blogging is fun for me. And it's something I already do; this is just a variation on the theme.
Maybe, eventually, eating the right things will also be so easily integrated into my routine. For now, I've just gotten into the habit of posting a few hours before I go to bed...I don't know why; it's just what I do. That was an easy change. :)
It looks like you did better today,even with your unhealthy dinner. Ashley opposes your obsession with fruit in a can, she says that isn't real food.
Yeah my sister hates your canned fruit too (and you knew I did). She says it's candy. Also, canning fruits and veggies destroys all the healthy stuff in them. Frozen fruits and veggies, however, retain their healthy status. So in the future get some frozen fruit. It's almost as cheap as the canned stuff.
Nice effort on the breakfast and great job with the apple! :D I feel your pain about eating what's left in the cupboards. I would invest the $15 (I'm guessing) on a frozen bag of super low fat chicken breast and eat half of one of those with the pasta that you eat every day. The bag might last you all the way until you leave! Stick the chicken breast in the slow cooker like I told you before, add pasta-friendly spices (maybe oregeno, basil...anything!)! It will be effortless and extremely healthy and a great balance to the carbs that you insist on stuffing down your throat.
I just realized you ate TWO raw fruits today.
I'm feeling faint.
Back in 2005, I had a bunch of those "Cup o' Noodles" on my shelves. I was dieting, and one night, I was super hungry, which was normal. So I tried that and while it had a lot of calories, it didn't fill me up in the least. The same was true of my ramen. Instead of eating this crappy food, I decided to pack it all up and donate it to the student lounge at SI. There is no sense in keeping shitty food around just because you already paid for it. That money is lost and you're losing more by putting it into your body instead of healthy food.
Of course, I'm not about to throw out my canned peaches either - I just learned about this canned thing this weekend too. I'm going to have them with some cottage cheese. If you can find a way to mix the bad food in with something good, to make it less bad, that will help.
I gotta say, I'm super proud of you! You have made some pretty good changes already. As for the dinner: you could try real cheese, and try using fresh or even canned stewed tomatoes instead of salsa (less salt if you pay attention to the label), healthier, and tastier, the canned black beans are really great! Dry ones take a really long time to cook, along with planning, and canned beans that have nothing else added, unlike canned refried beans (vomit) aren't that bad. I would say that dinner rates a B, as opposed to your usual C-.
Keep it up!
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