Dry cereal.
Snack, 3:00 p.m.
I had a handful of Jelly Bellies. Not a big handful, but
enough that I figure it counts as a snack.
Lunch, 4:45 p.m.
Leftover Four Cheese Rice-a-Roni.
Dinner, 9:00 p.m.
Ravioli carbonara with wax beans. This is so good, and
so bad for me -- it's cheese ravioli, and the sauce is alfredo
with bacon, milk, basil, and...1 tsp. bacon grease. I know,
I know. But it's my birthday.
Birthday Cake, 10:30 p.m.
This is what came of the cake batter I ate yesterday. It's
a red velvet cake, and the frosting is mock whipped cream --
butter and shortening, milk, flour, vanilla, and powdered
sugar beaten into a fluffy goodness almost the consistency
of Cool Whip, but with a flavor that's a million times better.
It's a grandma recipe. Oh. As far as what I ate...one slice. A
very big one.
I see no protien in there at all. I can't phathom how you manage to remain emotionaly stable all day on that kind of diet.
There is bacon in the ravioli...is there protein in bacon? As for emotional stability...I've never really had any trouble with that.
And isn't there protein in the beans, too?
I think the benefits of protein in bacon is leveled by the fact that its bacon. Beans do have protein, and they are low fat!
Score: Sig=1
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