I felt like crap today -- I seriously contemplated calling
in sick to the Writing Center and canceling my class. I
didn't want to eat anything, but I forced myself to have a
peanut butter sandwich. The thought of fruit was just too
much. This is my reward for being a trooper and showing
up for my softball game -- never mind that it was windy,
raining, and 50 degrees, and half of my team decided to
ditch. Plus, I was up late last night. Plus, I've been stretching
myself too thin with teaching, tutoring, and moving. It's a
miracle I managed to stay healthy as long as I did, really.
Lunch, 1:15 p.m.
I was feeling a little better by lunch time. I wasn't hungry,
but I figured I should eat because I was feeling a tad bit
weak. I felt marginally better after the food.
Snack, 4:30 p.m.
I was so tired when I got home; I almost passed out at
my desk while my students were working on their
research projects. I thought maybe some food and
caffeine would perk me up, but...no. I was so tired I
couldn't concentrate on reading, or grading, or email,
or mindless Facebook games...so I took a nap. By which
I mean I laid in bed feeling miserable because my head
hurt and my nose was running all over the place. So
eventually I got up and made some dinner, even though
I still wasn't very hungry. My mom always made me eat
when I had a cold; she said it would be harder for my body
to fight the germs if I didn't have any fuel for it. At 27, I
still follow this advice because it makes some sense even
if I can't explain it any better than I could when I was five
years old.
Dinner, 7:45 p.m.
My mom used to feed me mac-n-cheese when I wasn't
feeling good...although that was more of a "tummy ache"
food than a "head cold" food. However, I didn't have any
chicken noodle soup in the cupboard, my normal cold food,
so I made do.
Snack, 8:15 p.m.
Jon came home from work shortly after I finished my
dinner. Not knowing I was feeling like hell, he'd brought
me a huge-ass cookie from his restaurant. It just didn't
taste very good -- because I'm sick, not because it was a
shitty cookie -- and eating it was a chore. I only had
about half of this.
You might get some benefit from joining a site like calorie-count.com and entering your food there for a few days. They have foods in their database and you can select them and add them to a list to get an analysis of what you've eaten.
Look at the macro-nutrient balance of your food. It looks like you're getting too many carbs, which would make you really tired in the long run. You should be getting 40-60% of your calories from carbs, 20-30% from protien, and 20-30% from fats.
But you're busy right now, so just table this idea for now and come back to it when you've got some extra time.
kinda repeating what urs said...there was virtually no protein all day here except for the peanut butter in the morning...which is not very much. The rest of the day was straight-up carbs! You need to have more balance, it would help you especially when you feel shitting.
It absolutely was not a good day, that's true. But if you look at the last four or five days, I've done better...there was a salad one day, and fish another day...and fresh fruit.
When I'm sick, I tell myself I'm entitled to whatever I want -- like napping, and not grading papers, and eating pasta twice in one day. I figure, I feel like hell so I should do whatever makes me feel better. This is probably not a good attitude to have.
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