Nutri-Grain bar.
Lunch, 1:00 p.m.
A slice of leftover pizza, applesauce, and dried fruit
(raisins, blueberries, and cranberries).
Snack, 3:40 p.m.
The vending machine was out of Baked Lays, so...
Dinner, 6:30 p.m.
Fuel for my softball game.
Dinner, 9:25 p.m.
I wasn't very hungry, but Urs was. She suggested
Italian...and we all know I have a weakness for
pasta. I didn't get alfredo sauce, though. Good Sig.
This is penne al forno -- pasta, sausage, tomato
cream sauce, and mozzarella. Not pictured:
minestrone, too much bread.
Leftovers, 10:00 p.m.
That's right -- I barely ate. I intend for this to be
my lunch tomorrow.
This is a really neat idea. Beyond the public ridicule aspect, you yourself can look back and see patterns. If you ever consult a dietician, this can serve as your food diary.
Just remember to keep protein high, carbs low and enough fibre. It's hard to change habits formed over years in a matter of days. A small step like this is good towards a longer journey.
Dude stop getting cream sauces. They're *all* bad.
And I just noticed you had *2* dinners. If Urs wanted Italian and you were not very hungry you easily could have gotten yummy not cream-based soup or a small grilled appetizer. Ordering a meal like that and saving the remains just means that you eat like crap for 2 days instead of one.
Restaurants always give so much food I can make like 2 meals out of the left overs. Which is good, because then I don't feel so bad spending all that money.
It's true. I had one dinner and a few bites of dinner #2 -- so yes, I "ate" two dinners, but really, I ate a full dinner, a few bites of dinner #2, and will eat a lunch and probably dinner from its remains. You can't bring me to an Italian restaurant and say "Don't order the pasta." It is just not possible. The problem is, I like what I like.
I'm just giving you hell like you told me to...I actually, shockingly, don't care what you eat but *do* have fabulous time lecturing you about it anyways. And "liking what you like" is still fair game, right? I mean, that's the whole point of this exercise?
Absolutely. Go nuts. :)
That wasn't intended to sound was supposed to be a pathetic/sheepish explanation of my lame-ass eating habits.
They have Annie's in Alaska?! Crazy. I thought that was a hippy organic thing. :) They used to make a delicious Mexican pasta-in-a-box but I haven't seen it at the store in almost a year now. It was my favorite. :( Consequently, I haven't eaten any Annie's for quite a while.
Dude, you eat a lot of junk food. Diet Mt. Dew for breakfast? Tsk tsk, Siggy. I'd recommend something with more nutrition like OJ. And the cereal without milk? That's a load of carbs! And sugar, from the looks of the kind of cereal you eat.
With that being said, I feel bad criticizing your food choices. I mean, you're an adult, what the hell business of mine is it what you enjoy eating? From now on, I'm going to put a positive-reinforcement spin on it and cheer for you when you make healthy food choices.
Speaking of, I was home in WI this weekend and went to Altenburg's and picked fresh strawberries with my Dad. SO yummy. I wish I could grow fresh strawberries to enjoy year-round.
Of course we have Annie's -- there are a lot of hippies in Anchorage.
I have Hyvee Diet Cola for breakfast. I want caffeine and it's easy with no prep time and no calories.
With that being said, I feel bad criticizing your food choices. I mean, you're an adult, what the hell business of mine is it what you enjoy eating? From now on, I'm going to put a positive-reinforcement spin on it and cheer for you when you make healthy food choices.
Um, Lauren, do you *know* Signe? Be prepared to never have the opportunity to comment on this blog again ;)
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