Blueberry Nutri-Grain bar.
Lunch, 12:30 p.m.
I was at a baby shower and grazed more than ate. I
had a cheeseburger, and lots of random stuff -- carrot
sticks, cheese and crackers, melon compote, chips with
some spicy cheese dip... Yum.
Snack, 3:00 p.m.
My friend Kerry really needs to start making cakes
for hire. She's so good at it. See all that seashell decor
stuff in the top picture? She made that and hand
painted it.'s EDIBLE. 100% sugar and corn
starch. Plus, the cake was yummy. That's some
sort of strawberry cream filling holding it together.
Word on the streets is that she's going to do the cake
for my going away party...cheesecake, decorated as a
wedge of Wisconsin Cheese. I'm excited.
Dinner, 11:00 p.m.
I was stuffed from the baby shower, so I didn't eat
dinner until 11:00. Leftover turkey BBQ and Sour
Cream and Cheddar Baked Lays.
I have missed days here and there and not sure if this was mentioned, but here's my 2 cents on the times you eat. While training for marathoning I totally dug into nutrition and how to eat better.
First of all, I eat a majority of my carbs before 2pm every day. They give you energy that you need and should use up - not leave sit. Also, don't eat anything within 3-4 hours before going to bed. Otherwise, it just sits and you don't burn any of the calories.
I know you get up late and go to bed late and hate change, but I have a feeling if you weren't eating plates of pasta and/or anything at or past 9:30 you would be in better shape.
Here's my average daily schedule:
I get up some time between 9:00 a.m. and noon, depending on the day. Most days, I'm up between 10:00 and ll:00.
I almost never go to bed before 2:00 a.m., and it's often later than that (even when I have to get up early). So, even though I eat at 10 or 11 p.m., that's still 3 or 4+ hours before I go to bed. If stopped eating at 9:30, I'd still have 5-6 hours before bed...and I'd be starving when I went to sleep! :) Maybe I just shouldn't eat past 11 p.m.?
The other thing is that the majority of my activity occurs after 6 pm; all day, I'm at school either sitting in a desk or standing in front of a chalkboard. All of my moving around happens at night...that's when I do most of my shopping, walking, errand running, packing, and so on. Does that change things at all?
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