Since the Door County trip, life has been eventful. I went from Door County immediately to Madison for childhood friend Vanessa's
wedding. Then I was home for just two days before my cousins came and we went to the
State Fair and the
Milwaukee Zoo. Then I started preparing for my upcoming trip to Alaska. (Yes, the second one this summer -- I leave tomorrow.) This time, though, instead of going to Anchorage and Homer, I'm going to be in Fairbanks and Valdez -- Jon's sister is getting married on Saturday.
I'm missing a lot of photos from the foods I've eaten in the past two weeks, but this is a pretty representative sample. (In other words, I've been eating crap.) They are not necessarily in chronological order. Also: I most likely will not post again until I return from Alaska, unless I've got a wireless connection -- which I don't anticipate, so hold tight. I'll be back Wednesday, the 19th.