I spent the unphotographed days in Washington, D.C. doing some research at the
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum with
Jillian. It was an amazing trip, and despite eating really bad-for-me restaurant food every day, I lost a few pounds from all the sweating and walking.
Breakfast, 11:45 a.m.
Light blueberry yogurt and Banana Nut Cheerios. I decided to be adventurous and buy some "exotic" cereal, but I shouldn't have wasted the money. I could get 3x the Honey Nut Cheerios at Costco for the same price, AND they taste better. The Banana Nut isn't bad...it just isn't good, either.
Lunch, 5:00 p.m.
I was out and about doing errands, and in the middle of picking out some
wedding jewelry at Kohl's I all of a sudden felt like I was going to pass out, and then I realized, "Wow, I'm really hungry." Taco Bell was right next door, so... Anyway, I had 2 beef tacos and a Cinnamon Twist.
Snack, 7:30 p.m.
I expected there to be a lot more Skittles in a box this big. It was actually only the equivalent of maybe a pack and a half.
Dinner, 11:00 p.m.
So...whenever I have hot breakfast food at home, it's always for dinner. I'm not sure why that is. I guess because I'm too lazy to cook in the morning, but I have an affinity for bacon.