I brought my camera along for the weekend, and my cell phone also has a camera, yet I still managed to take almost no food pictures. It's hard during a holiday, when there's so much going on during every second.
Thursday, April 9
I was still in Sheboygan for the first half of Thursday, so things started out well in terms of photographing. I had the usual breakfast...

...and a crappy, though not entirely abnormal lunch. I forgot the lunch I'd packed, so I ended up ordering from the college grill. This is grilled ham & cheese, an order of fries, and a Diet Pepsi.
Then I stopped taking pictures. I left for Rapids after work, stopping in Stevens Point to meet Jillian for dinner. We ate at El Mezcal; I had two hard shell beef tacos, rice, and beans. Once I got to Rapids, I had some unsalted peanuts for a snack -- but only a handful, because they were gross. I didn't realize they were unsalted until I started eating them.
Friday, April 10Yeah...bad Sig. No pictures.
Brunch: My mom and I went through the Burger King drive through on our way out of town. (We were heading to my grandma's in Blair for Easter.) I had a cheeseburger and fries. We both would have preferred either Subway or Taco John's, but we had two cats in the car. That meant we couldn't go in anywhere and sit down because the cats would have roasted...and since subs and tacos are not conducive to eating while driving, burgers won.
Dinner: My uncle made brats on the grill -- my first since returning to 'Sconnie. Oh my god yum. I had one brat, some sour cream 'n onion potato chips, a few carrot sticks, a pickle (or two?), and red Jell-O.
Snacks: I don't remember exactly what I ate, but there were Special K bars floating around, and a bowl of Jelly Beans sitting on the table, as well as more chips. Oh. I also bought some Rolos at the gas station when my dad and I went to Whitehall to buy some stuff at the hardware store.
Saturday, April 10Better...I've got a few pictures from Saturday.

I had the typical "Breakfast at Grandma's" breakfast -- three cinnamon rolls. Yum.
I didn't get a picture of Easter dinner (which we had on Saturday night so that my grandma could have Easter brunch at the nursing home with my grandpa on Sunday). I had ham, of course, and scalloped potatoes. I also had green bean casserole, lefse, a few carrot sticks and pickles, and a big helping of fruit salad.

Even though we're really too old for it, my cousins and I dyed eggs. None are yellow (or orange) because my grandma didn't have yellow food coloring. My cousin Bethany had the brilliant idea to use a white crayon to draw on the eggs, and it worked well. I had a hard-boiled egg.

It's Big Lare's birthday on Monday, but we celebrated Saturday night since the whole family was assembled for Easter dinner. My mom made a pistachio-chocolate marble cake with mock whipped cream frosting. It was an experiment that, fortunately, turned out quite well.
I had other snacks throughout the day, as is customary during a trip to grandma's. I shared caramel corn with my cousins when we were at the nursing home visiting our grandpa. At home, I had Jelly Beans and Special K bars, and I'm sure some other crap that I can't remember.
Sunday, April 10
I had cinnamon rolls for breakfast again. I'm cheating by reusing the picture, though, because I forgot to take another one. I only had two cinnamon rolls on Sunday.

I'm also cheating with this picture of my lunch, because I did not eat Subway in my office as pictured -- I ate Subway in a truck stop near Tomah. I stopped because this travel plaza had a Taco John's...which was closed for Easter. (Thwarted again!) I ended up having a 6" turkey sub and Cheetos...but I figure this picture is close enough. So...yeah...it's a four hour drive from Blair to Sheboygan. What a fun way to spend Easter. Eh, it was better than going with the family to the nursing home, which was the other choice. I mean, I would have had to drive home either way -- what I'm saying is, I could have left directly after church (as I did), or I could have first gone to the nursing hom and
then made the four hour drive. No thanks.

I've been snacking out of my Easter basket all day.

Dinner was Half of a frozen pizza. (The plate is small; this is not as much food as it appears to be.)

Best discovery EVER.