How is that an entire week has passed since my last post? Oh...right. Work. On Tuesday, I found out that one of my spring classes was canceled for low enrollment -- which means that I'm now teaching fewer credits than what my contract requires. To make up the credits, I am being more or less forced to teach a May Term class...which means a 3 week intensive "special topics" course. But it gets better -- this 3 weeks special topics course has to be planned -- proposal, syllabus, and text books --
by Tuesday. In other words, I was given a week to pull an entire course together. Yikes. Good thing I'd worked my ass off the week before the wedding, because otherwise I'd be very, very screwed right now instead of just plain screwed. So, here's the week in food:
Friday, Nov. 14Breakfast
Peanut butter on wheat toast and light strawberry yogurt
You know...some crap from the cupboard.
I never eat these unless I'm on a road trip.
Taco John's in Menomonie. You know...this is one of Sheboygan's biggest shortcomings. No Taco John's. I mean, what a ripoff. I'm back in 'Sconnie, and there's no Taco John's in a 50 mile radius -- at least, not that I'm aware of.
NOT PICTURED: We arrived at the hotel about 8:00, and by midnight we were starving. So...we ordered delivery from some local restaurant. I had a bowl of chili. It was pretty good.
Saturday, Nov. 15Brunch
All I ate until the reception was this cheese steak...and most of the fries.
NOT PICTURED: Wedding reception food: appetizers, lots of cheese and crackers, and cheesecake. (They didn't feed us dinner because the wedding wasn't until 7, so the reception didn't start until 8:30-ish.) We were pretty hungry late that night, because we'd eaten the cheese steaks some time around 2:00, so we ordered in a pizza some time around 1:00 a.m.
Sunday, Nov. 16Dinner

Somehow, the only picture I took all day was of what I ate after we got home. During the day, I had a granola bar for breakfast, a gas station snack (I don't even remember what), and a big lunch at the Altoona Family Restaurant in Eau Claire -- I met up with my friend Jeff and his fiancé, Laura. They're getting married while I'm in Prague, so I figured I'd better swing by and see them before the big day. It was good...I hadn't seen Jeff in about 3 years. Anyway, I had a bacon cheeseburger and fries.
Monday, Nov. 17Breakfast
The usual.
LunchNOT PICTURED. I had my monthly lunch with my mentor, which meant that we ate in the cafeteria, and I'm still not ready to let my colleagues know I'm crazy, photos. I had a cup of icky veggie soup, some rice, and...I can't even remember what the entree was.
Beef ravioli in tomato sauce. Yum.
Tuesday, Nov. 18Breakfast

Yogurt and toast. What else?
I ran out of lunch meat, sandwich.
These are pretty good. I find that kind of odd since I used to hate them back in the day, when my mom always had them in the cupboard.
This was the day the shit hit the fan in terms of finding out about the class cancellation. There was no time for "real" food.
Wednesday, Nov. 1 9Breakfast
More peanut butter on toast, more yogurt.
NOT PICTURED: I have no idea what I ate for the rest of the day...there's no photographic record, and I can't remember.
Thursday, Nov. 20Breakfast
Just toast -- I had a faculty meeting at 11:00, and they feed us lunch, so I didn't see any need for the full breakfast being that I was going to have lunch in 2 hours anyway.
NOT PICTURED: lunch with the faculty. I had salad (lettuce, tomato, cheese, sunflower seeds), a cup of chili, and two breadsticks.
Chocolate chip cookies with caramel centers...very yummy. I had two.
Take-n-bake pizza from the Wal-Mart deli. It's actually pretty good.
Blackberries. I split these with Jon. They were very, very yummy.